Q2, Billings Education Foundation and City Brew Coffee have teamed up for “One Class at a Time.” It's a program that recognizes teachers who go above and beyond to help their students.
This week, we paid a visit to Eagle Cliffs Elementary to honor Hannah Rader, a phenomenal 4th grade teacher who began the process of getting to know her students even before the school year kicked off by sending home packets to parents so they could fill out all the information they thought she needed to get better acquainted with their kids, something they really appreciated.
"We get such big classes," said Mrs. Rader.
"I have a class of 26 and each kid is so different and, in order for them to be successful, we have to be able to meet those needs. Whether it’s personally or in the classroom academically. The earlier we can get the start on that the better," she said.
For her exceptional communicating skills and her special attentiveness to her students' individual needs and personalities, Mrs. Rader was presented with a $500 grant from the Billings Education Foundation and a $150 gift card from City Brew Coffee. Congratulations!
If you would like to make a nomination, click here. We could surprise a deserving teacher at your school next.