BILLINGS — The five-mile Skyway Trail runs along the newly opened Skyway Drive, offering a safe route for pedestrians and bikers to enjoy the scenic view of the Inner Belt Loop.
“Every single day we’re out riding on the trails somewhere," said cyclist Ed Newlin of Billings.

Thursday was Newlin's second time riding on the trail and his wife's first time. They were both grateful for the new trail and hope the city will also add one along Alkali Creek Road for when they ride the entire loop.

“We park up in Zimmerman Trail parking lot, and it’s a beautiful loop. You don’t have to backtrack. We used to backtrack all the time,” Newlin said.

The owner of The Spoke Shop, Dean Cromwell, went on an electric bike ride with MTN News to see the new trail.

“It’s just a great thing for our community,” Cromwell said. “This particular new section of trail has some pretty big hills on it, so the e-bikers had a pretty big smile on going up those hills.”
The trail and road opened last Thursday and has been a popular spot for recreators and commuters to get from the Billings West End to the Heights.

“We’ve got a couple of great new sections of trail,” Cromwell said.
The Spoke Shop rents e-bikes for $100 a day, and if someone wants to purchase an e-bike after using one, the shop will put the rental money toward the purchase.