Improv Comedy Takes Centerstage
An array of ages will be taking the spotlight at NOVA Center for Performing Arts on Friday, Jan. 3. The Funky Bunch (with Funky Bunch, Jr.) Comedy Improv group performance is set to take place at 7:30pm, starting off their routine of performing on the first Friday of every month. Tickets are $12. It’s a dual effort; the performance’s special appearance by Funky Bunch, Jr. will give improv youngsters a chance to show off their spontaneity.
Babcock Theater to Revisit the Classics
The Babcock Theater is hosting a slew of classic movies this weekend, starting Friday night. First, remember: don’t get them wet, don’t expose them to bright lights or sunlight, and perhaps most importantly… do not feed them after midnight. “Gremlins” will take over the silver screen to become the Babcock’s first film of 2025. You can catch that showing at 7 p.m. again on Friday, Jan. 3. Next on Saturday, Jan. 4, whether you are merely a humble butler who “buttles” or you are suspicious of your fellow party guests, the Babcock will feature two showings of 1985’s “Clue.” You can catch the classic whodunit at either 3 p.m. or 6. p.m. Tickets for each cost $9.
NOVA Reader’s Theater
On Sunday, Jan. 5, if you consider yourself a fan of the stage and are looking for a unique way to become a character with or without experience, you can head back to the NOVA Center for Performing Arts for Reader’s Theater. When you walk in the door at 5:30 p.m., you will be assigned a character, possibly more than one. From there, you will get to read for that part alongside others. Organizers say it's a unique opportunity for anyone wanting to read for a part, despite their past experience in theatrical performances. Organizers also say you may feel free to invite friends and older family members, and no one has to perform. You may also just watch. Reader’s Theater takes place on the first Sunday of every month.