BILLINGS — From frozen pipes to snowy driveways, everyone needs a little help sometimes, even if it's not snowing outside. There's a place where assistance is just a comment away: a Facebook page meant to help the people of Billings.
Billings resident Scott Cadlo might not be a plumber by profession, but he's answering a call to action.
“It’s about freezing,” said Cadlo at the 2000 block of Hannon Road on Tuesday.
Cadlo was at the residence playing the part of plumber for a complete stranger, all thanks to a Facebook page called 'I'll Help!' Billings.
“She got a hold of "I’ll Help!" Billings ‘cuz her pipes are frozen,” Cadlo said.

“The premise of it was, if we could find the right audience, almost everyone looking for help would find someone to say I’ll help,” said one of the page's founders, Jenn Weber.
Weber, Mandy Reinhart, and Karen Grosz are a part of group of women who started the page in 2017. It's grown to nearly 10,000 members in the five years since.
“We get a lot of posts during the day or requests for posts so it’ll be from food to a ride, to bedding, or towels,” Weber said.
They're using social media to get neighbors helping neighbors.
“It’s easy ‘cuz you can connect on Facebook, you can set up times to meet. You can meet at your house, you can meet at a public parking lot, you can drop it off to somebody,” said Reinhart.

It's exactly what Cadlo is doing with his spare time during this winter cold snap, all for free.
“Not everybody can afford a plumber. It’s not about the money. It’s about helping each other,” Cadlo said.
This job was the first of several for him this Tuesday.
“It’s amazing. It means a lot to a lot of people,” said Cadlo.
People helping people, and proving not all you see on social media is bad.
“We hear a lot of negative and to be able to get on this page and see everyone’s hearts coming through, it’s amazing,” Reinhart said.