CommunityA Better You


A Better You: The 4-day fast food challenge

and last updated

In April, about 1500 of my closest friends encouraged each other to go without sugar or sweeteners of any kind for an entire month. It wasn’t easy, but we did it!

Shortly after, Victoria Hill challenged me to eat only junk food or fast food for four days.

I had seen Super Size Me, so I knew (so I thought) what to expect. However, after four days of eating burgers, tacos, pizza and soda I realized a few more things than just gastric distress.

Number one, I realized my personal outlook on life was affected. I became much less able to put things in perspective and became easily distracted or depressed. 

Secondly, I found that I went through my budget for meals very quickly! I thought eating "healthy" was always more expensive but honestly, the $5 meal quickly became $7 or $8 after the soda or big fries. And I ate more often than I did when I was eating clean. Four meals a day of fast food didn’t satisfy me. Funny.

Finally, I found myself craving carrots and apples and oranges. I thought I always had a secret admiration for those that get to eat fast food but honestly, I really know that this "clean eating" is a way of life for me, not just a fad or a phase.

Now that the challenge is over (Thanks Victoria) I’m looking ahead to what’s next. Join us in September! Our group is going to do another 10-day, no sugar challenge and a few of us have our sights set on the 10k (or more) in the Montana Marathon

I have to say, I’m very relieved to be eating clean again!

Disclaimer: Parts of the 4-Day fast food challenge were edited for time and continuity. You can see Joey’s complete journey on YouTube.