

Billings restaurants join up in new meal delivery service

Posted 12:47 AM, Apr 09, 2020
and last updated 12:56 AM, Apr 09, 2020

A new meal service rolled out its first round of deliveries from local restaurants in Billings this week.

The service, called Billings Buffet, allows people in the community to pick from two memberships, silver and gold.

“Customers, depending on how much food they need per week can order one of the two products. We also offer an individual package and a family package so, that family package is just the individual times four in terms of quantity of food but offered at a slight price discount” said James Hoover, a consultant for Well Pared on Billings West End, one of the participating restaurants.

Along with Well Pared, the Billings Buffet includes local restaurants like Walkers, Sassy Biscuit, Sophie’s Kitchen, Guadalajara, and Velvet Cravings.

The silver membership delivers food four days a week, and the gold option includes deliveries seven days per week. With each membership, members will receive a full day's worth of food that includes lunch, snacks, dinner, and a dessert provided by each of the participating restaurants.

“Partnering with the other local businesses in town, give us an opportunity to really show our consumers and the community, who’s local and who they can support. Those dollars are always going to stay local so, supporting small business is always going to be our main goal and partnering with other businesses that are small and are doing something unique” said Well Pared owner Nicole Griffith.

The meal plan delivery service has already delivered 20 meals so far this week and is preparing for their second week of orders.

For information on how-to sign-up for the meal service, visit