(RiverStone Health Press Release)
BILLINGS – People who received their first COVID-19 vaccine dose at MetraPark will get their scheduled second dose at the Shrine Auditorium, 1125 Broadwater Avenue, at clinics beginning Tuesday, March 9.
Those getting their second vaccine dose this week at the Shrine received their first dose at Cedar Hall the week of February 16. All vaccines given at the community clinic that week require a second dose three weeks after the first.
First-dose COVID-19 vaccination clinics organized by the Yellowstone County Unified Health Command (UHC) will continue at Cedar Hall on the MetraPark midway.
When people received their first vaccine dose at Cedar Hall, they also got an appointment for the second dose, followed by an email or phone reminder. Generally, the second dose was scheduled for the same day of the week and time of day as the person’s first dose. When making your second dose appointment, be sure to schedule it for a day and time when you will be available.
Everyone who received first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine at Billings Clinic, St. Vincent Healthcare or RiverStone Health will get second doses at those organizations.
Please remain in your vehicle until five minutes before your appointment. Masks are required in the Shrine building. Bring your COVID-19 vaccination card. For further information, visit covid.riverstonehealth.org or call the RiverStone Health Public Health Information Line at 406.651.6415.