

Iconic bull elk found dead in Rocky Mountain National Park

Posted 1:12 PM, Mar 24, 2022
and last updated 3:46 PM, Mar 30, 2022

An iconic bull elk who was known for his spectacular antlers has been found dead in Rocky Mountain National Park.

CBS Denver reportsthat some called the animal "Bruno" and to others, he was "Kahuna" or "Incredibull." Loren Schrag, who's been taking photos of the bull elk since 2018, told the station he came across the carcass — and said he believes it was killed by a mountain lion.

"The tracks were pretty clear," Schrag said.

Officials with the National Park Service said the cause of death is unknown — but warn that people should always be cautious around any carcass in Rocky Mountain National Park because mountain lions could be nearby.

"He could have died from natural causes or been preyed on by a mountain lion," Kyle Patterson with NPS said.

"When we last saw him alive on [March 7] he was still limping and wasn't putting weight on his front left leg," Schrag said. "He was definitely vulnerable to predation due to the injuries."

Schrag described the discovery as a somber experience.

"It was sad," Schrag said. "We thought he'd make it through the winter, despite his injuries."

The bull was hurt by another male during last year's rut, Patterson said.

Schrag announced Bruno's death in a Facebook post dedicated to the elk Sunday.

"Being the first to place a hand on his magnificent antler (one had already been shed) was humbling," Schrag wrote.

The bull's exact age isn't known but wildlife experts say he was likely over 10 years old.