BILLINGS — Temperatures plummeted to -19 degrees on Wednesday, beating the previous a record low of -12 for the day, and the cold air has brought difficulties for many as their car batteries struggle to keep up with the extreme cold.
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Kim Lechner, the general manager of five Batteries Plus stores across the state, said they expect to get busier during hot or cold temperatures.
“Each time we get extreme cold or extreme heat, car batteries seem to fail,” Lechner said on Wednesday. “At 80 degrees, your car takes about the normal capacity to start and your battery has 100% of the capacity. As the temperature drops, your car takes a little more energy to start and your battery has less capacity. So, when you get down to minus 20, your car takes about 2.5 more times energy to start and your battery only has 25% of the power.”

Lechner recommends that drivers replace their car batteries every three to five years, which will help avoid getting caught in the cold weather with a dead car.
“Most people don't worry about a battery until it doesn't start and then you get caught in this situation where it's cold and now it fails you,” Lechner said.

Eric Bjorgum got his son's car to the store at 1145 Central Ave. on Wednesday after it wouldn't start the day before. They were able to jump it, but Bjorgum thought it would be best to get a new battery.
“I just thought it'd be safer just to bring it here and getting a new battery. (I've) worked with these guys a couple different times,” Bjorgum said.
Batteries Plus employees will replace a car battery if the driver is able to get it to the store.