A Big Timber man in the hospital for COVID-19 had a chance to participate virtually in his son's wedding on Friday.

Donald Brewer came down with the virus close to Thanksgiving and has been in the Billings Clinic Intensive Care Unit.

He watched the wedding for his son Sterling and his new daughter- in-law Destiny.
The nurses helped him dress up and had wedding decorations, cake and sparkling cider for his part of the festivities.

"There were tears shed," said Lorinda Brewer. "Yeah. He definitely was thankful and just so grateful and blessed that he got to participate."
Lorinda Brewer, a few relatives and some of Destiny's family enjoyed the wedding in Big Timber while Donald was in Billings.
"The wedding was absolutely wonderful," Lorinda said. "And it was just small and intimate. We enjoyed, just the day in spite of Don not being able to physically be here with us. But because the nurses went above and beyond. Maggie was the nurses name that facilitated him being a part of it."
Helping the Brewers Donald celebrate meant a lot to those working in Billings clinic.
"To be able to go and help someone be able to participate in in a family life event, even though they're in the hospital is just amazing," said Joani West, Billings Clinic ICU monitor clerk. "It makes you feel like everything's going be okay. He was sitting up straight in bed, and he had the biggest smile on his face. The nurse was in there for a couple minutes but they can just kind of let him be and let him enjoy his time with his family. It's those little things that sometimes get us through our day too."

"Besides our faith, besides our being children of God, we have family," Lorinda said. "Family is so precious. And obviously adding a daughter to my family, there's not even words to express how grateful both Don and I were and our son Sterling. Absolutely phenomenal."
Lorinda Brewer said the wedding venue was the home where her son grew up and Sterling and Destiny plan on living in Big Timber.