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First Look 1-9-25: Court ruling on guns, Grizzly bear delisting, Rules debated

Posted 1:15 PM, Jan 09, 2025
and last updated 5:42 PM, Jan 09, 2025

Q2 Top Stories and Weather for 1-9-25

Montana law can not prevent misdemeanor domestic abusers from access to guns


A federal court determined Montana’s domestic violence law is so protective of survivors, it doesn't qualify for a federal ban on offenders having guns.

A three-judge panel found a federal firearms ban for people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes no longer applies to Montana’s domestic abuse laws.

Every year more than 750 women are shot to death in America by their partner.

Click here to read the story.

Feds deny Montana petition to delist grizzly bears, propose new rule on populations


WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Biden administration decided to keep protections for grizzly bears in place in four rocky mountain states, including Montana and Wyoming.

The decision comes despite objections from Republican politicians, including Montana’s governor.

Grizzlies are protected as a threatened species across the lower 48 states. But some scientists say bear populations have recovered.

Click here to read the story.

Montana senators still debating rules for 2025 session


HELENA -- The Senate Rules Committee passed an amended rules proposal on Wednesday.

An executive review committee could help deal with the huge volume of bills that have come in in recent sessions.

On the first day of the legislative session, Republicans in the Senate split over the rules the session should operate under, and that division continued yesterday.

Click here to read the story.

Here's the weather forecast for today.

Q2 Billings Area Weather: More wind and snow