BILLINGS - With Covid protocols, the 32nd annual Flakesgiving tradition will happen this weekend for families who may need help with Thanksgiving dinner.
Volunteers wearing masks and gloves helped put together 1,500 boxes of dinners on Friday.
The Breakfast Flakes, Paul Mushaben and Mark Wilson, on KCTR Cat Country started Flakesgiving in 1989.
Normally, there's a long line of people at Flakesgiving.
But this year it will be a drive-through with the dinners loaded into the trunks or in the vehicles.
"The money came in so much earlier this year," Wilson said. "And a lot of people feel that with the big shut down back in March and April, there's going to be more people in need this year. That's the feeling we get. And Billings is an extremely generous town. We've experienced it year after year. And there's zillions of fundraisers in this town and they all make money because people open up their wallets here. So it's really nice to have the support."
Flakesgiving starts Saturday at noon in the MetraPark lower parking lot.
The National Guard will be helping direct traffic through the lines to pick up the dinners.