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Police still searching for suspect after Bozeman Pond Shooting on Fourth of July

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BOZEMAN — Fireworks can be very loud, and sometimes even sound like gunshots. If you live near the Bozeman Pond then Sunday night, it may have been gunshots you heard.

“My mom and I just went for a drive, you know, to see some fireworks, and we were trying to get back home, and all the streets were blocked off, and the cop was like you can’t go home,” explained Ashlyn Chipley, a near-by neighbor.

That’s because near her home was an active investigation after police were called for a shooting.

“Our officers got a call, that there had been a shooting around the Bozeman Ponds and our officers showed up and found a couple of victims," said Bozeman Police Captain Andy Knight. "So, there are two victims and both of those victims are currently expected to recover."

As far as the suspect, he or she has not been caught yet.

“We looked for the suspect after the incident," Knight said. "Unfortunately, we were unable to find someone at this point. We’re still collecting tips.”

The shooting happened around 10 p.m. which was the same time fireworks were going off, which left neighbors confused if they heard gunshots or fireworks.

“I think so, but I’m not sure. It was really hard to tell with the fireworks,” Chipley said.

Police still searching for suspect after Bozeman Pond Shooting on Fourth of July

And even well into the night, it was hard to tell which was which.

“That was my thing too because I know there were a lot that did sound like gunshots thinking maybe oh they got him - but I’m pretty sure it was just fireworks,” said Jon Piper, who was parked in the park overnight.

Piper and his family found what’s left of the crime scene Monday morning.

"My wife was going on a morning walk with one of our daughters, and she stumbled across it," said Piper. "She came back and was like hey there’s… you can see the whole scene right there.”

Anyone with any information is urged to contact the Bozeman Police Department and can remain anonymous.

Investigators describe the suspect as being 5’09 to 6’0 with a slender build and was wearing a dark grey hooded sweatshirt with a black mask covering his or her nose and mouth.

As of now, police are calling the shooting an attempted deliberate homicide, and are still investigating a motive.