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Shepherd man recalls witnessing aftermath of Friday night's accident


BILLINGS — Friday night's accident on 24th Street West and Broadwater Avenue has one Shepherd man reeling. Isaiah Comly was riding along in a Billings Police K9 unit when he witnessed the aftermath of the incident, describing it as very intense.

“It was pretty insane. I'd say it was like straight off an action movie”, said Comly at the intersection where the accident took place Sunday.

Comly never expected a ride along to take such a turn. The officer he was with was making a traffic stop down the street when they heard the call.

"When we heard this pop off, all we heard over the radio is he's taking off,” Comly said. "We had to cancel that truck traffic stop, fly over here where the accident happened right over there."

Comly was devastated when they reached the scene of the accident.

Isaiah Comly

“I saw one car like completely parallel, like on the crosswalk, and like two other cars smashed up," said Comly. "I'm like, oh please be okay. Please have somebody at least okay."

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

"I heard it over the radio. I'm like, no, two people are dead. Dang it. That was really sad," Comly said.

Comly and the police officer drove down the street, passing the accident.

"We went further down, turned into that neighborhood over there, and [Officer] Schultz got out on foot, took his dog, Chevy, and tracked," said Comly.

Billings Police have since arrested 32-year-old Ricky Buchanan but Comly is frustrated with the events that have taken place within the last few weeks.

"This was the second death this past week," Comly said. "I was scared. I was kind of frightened by that."