Fifty first responder vehicles brought kids to the west end WallMart for the second annual "Shop With A Cop."
A Billings Police car and a Billings Fire Department engine helped lead the way from MetraPark on Saturday.
Once the kids arrived, Santa Claus, Chief Rich St. John, welcomed them at the front entrance.
The Billings Police along with six other agencies helped kids find Christmas presents and volunteers from School District 2 and Billings Police wives wrapped the gifts.
Each child received $300 for shopping and $50 for a Christmas meal.

"The community has come out and their donations, contributions and support we've had, it's just been amazing," said Sgt. Jeff Stovall of the Billings Police Department. "So we're able to bring 50 kids out this year. When you break it all down, this is kind of where law enforcement's at. This is the heart of law enforcement. We want to help out, get out with our community, you know, be hand in hand with our community and just work with the kids and show that that other side of law enforcement. Know that we're here to help we're here to serve our community and this is how we kind of pour our hearts out to them."