NewsLocal News


Snow blankets Billings: impacts community differently


BILLINGS — The biggest snowstorm of the year brought slick roads and inches of snow to Billings. Fortunately, most Billings schools already had the day off because of the Presidents Day holiday.

This meant a snow day for some, but many people, including truck drivers, were hunkered down inside.

Families took advantage of the snowy Monday to catch some drifts and go sledding at Pioneer Park. The Montgomerys showed up at 10 a.m. despite the single-digit temperatures.

“We almost didn’t come ‘cause we thought there might just be like a 100 people out here, but we said we’ll give it a try and there was nobody,” said Cara Montgomery.


Though the snow has been great for sledding, business owners made sure their sidewalks were plowed to avoid slips and falls.

On the other side of town at Flying J Travel Plaza, drivers are hunkered down. Pablo Cadenas was driving his truck from Arizona to Butte when he had to stop in Billings because of the icy roads.

“I’m going to stop over here until the weather goes away, yea,” Cadenas said.

He doesn’t mind stopping until the roads clear up.

“I’m trying to keep warm myself and away from the dangers right now,” said Cadenas.

Other drivers, like Ahmed Ahmed from Dallas, decided to get some gas and take their chances.

“It’s still bad weather but we have to, this is our lives, this is our day-to-day pace, the job we do,” Ahmed said.


He’s on his way to Kansas City, Missouri with a truck full of fruit.

“If we stop or shut it off, no one’s going to get their fruit,” said Ahmed.

Back at Pioneer Park, the Mongomerys have a good reason to be cheerful. They’re escaping the winter wonderland to head to Mexico in the morning.

“Looking forward to it but all the flights were canceled this morning so I was checking in on that, so hopefully we have an easy time getting out. We’ll see,” Montgomery said.

RELATED: Snow storm hits Billings and is expected to stick around through Monday