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Trivia History: Miles City transformed in 1800s flooding


The winter of 1881-82 was severe in Montana, with heavy snow accumulating in the mountains and plains. Eastern Montana saw significant snow and ice. By March 1882, thawing and refreezing rivers created large ice islands. One medium-sized river in Eastern Montana overflowed, flooding the town and pushing huge icebergs down Main Street. This flood permanently altered the cow town's landscape and elevation.

Two Part Question:

Which medium-sized river caused flooding in what town in Eastern Montana in 1882?

Answer: The Tongue River and Milestown (Miles City)

Milestown flooding transformed city


According to the 1918 Miles City Independent, Milestown was once level with the Tongue River. The original town site and Fort Keogh were on the west side, while Riverfront Park and the new town of Miles City were on the east bank. In the 1880s and 90s, shanties and low businesses bordered Riverfront Park.

The flood of 1882 was the first recorded devastating flood of Miles City, and what led to elevating the town of Miles City and creating the Tongue River dike. Today, Riverfront Park sits at the original townsite elevation, and the Miles City Museum complex is where Milestown was initially established.

In 1897, wing dams costing about $7000 were built to protect the town from flooding. They successfully prevented further floods. L.A. Huffman, a notable photographer, captured images of the devastating 1882 flood, helping us visualize its impact.

Milestown flooding
Milestown flooding