HELENA- Leaders with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks say they are still investigating a boating accident on Upper Holter Lake over the weekend that left a 63-year-old Missouri man dead.
Game Warden Sgt. Justin Hawkaluk said Tuesday that they had recovered the boats involved. They will update their report into the incident later this week.
Authorities say two boats capsized Sunday, during a fishing trip outfitted by a company from Ennis. Five of the people on board were rescued. A sixth, Craig Bristle of Pacific, Missouri, died at the scene. Investigators say Bristle was not wearing a life jacket.
Hawkaluk said there is currently nothing to indicate any criminal charges, but the investigation is still open.
Investigators have said it is likely the weather played a role in the accident. The lake saw strong winds and blowing snow on Sunday.
Story by Jonathon Ambarian, MTN News