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Montana's chilly winter weather fails to dampen holiday spirit

'Montana people get out and do things in all kinds of weather'

MONTANA — Winter weather did not stop Billings residents from participating in this year's Turkey Run. The event came to a close on Thursday around 11:00 a.m. with most people saying the 26 degree temperature was perfect for outside activity.

“This is great. This is perfect running weather. It’s a great time to get out before everybody sits down around the table and enjoys their time together,” said Brett Schneider, a participant dressed with an inflatable turkey in this year's run and costume contest.

This year's master of ceremonies, Joey Traywick, said the chill fades after a short stride outside.

“Y’know, after a while everything kind of goes numb," said Traywick who was dressed shirtless as Nacho Libre, the namesake for the 2006 film.

Others, however, said they were not too keen on the cold, despite the lack of snow, like volunteer crossing guard John Lott.

“I’m probably gonna go find me a warm drink and probably a warm place to sit for a little bit,” said Lott when asked how he was withstanding the frigidity. He added that he was happy to participate for a good cause.

One participant, Lauren Carr, ran while dressed in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume that her mother made her while Carr was in junior high. She wore the costume in honor of her friend Kelly Fulton, who founded the run and passed away last year.

“My friend Kelly actually wore this in junior high for a prank day … this is my annual thing that I wear in honor of Kelly,” said Carr.

Despite a change in Thanksgiving weather, Red Lodge still saw snow on Thursday. Residents maintained that the snow did not put a damper on the holiday festivities.

“When I woke up this morning at 4:00, I was hoping to see a foot of snow outside … It’s a wonderful way to start the holiday season," said Kevin Kachuck.

Red Lodge resident, Mark Bourassa, who was shovelling snow, said he thought it was still a perfect day to get outside for a run.

“Montana people get out and do things in all kinds of weather … My partner and I, we went and [ran]. I did the three mile; she did the one and a half and we just had a great time," said Bourassa.