BILLINGS — Three minutes past midnight, St. Vincent Regional Hospital delivered a healthy baby boy, its first baby of 2025.

At 12:03 a.m., Jan. 1, 2025, baby Huxton Vasco was delivered into the world, coming almost two weeks early, at six pounds, 11 ounces.
"By the time that ball dropped, like we had so much energy to push him out and get him out. Like, that was the coolest thing I've ever done," said Huxton's mother, Taylor Vasco.
"I really like that we get to help people bring their babies into the world with choice and dignity... It really is just a pleasure being one of the first people that get to see these beautiful beings come into existence," said labor and delivery nurse, Emily Pester.

Huxton is the Vasco family's third child. Being born on New Year's Day, and after experiencing prior pregnancy complications, Huxton's birth might have been the family's most special birth.
"This one was a lot different. It was good to be there for her," Huxton's father, Tony Vasco, said.
The journey to the hospital was a wild one. At about 3 a.m. New Year's Eve, Taylor's water broke while dyeing her hair at their home in Buffalo, Wyoming.
Meanwhile, Tony was in Vale, Ore., hauling cattle.
"It was 9 a.m. in Vale, Ore., when I got the call, and I made it all the way over here to the Pilot, where I parked my truck a little after 8:15 p.m. That's pretty much 800 miles, long drive," Tony told MTN Wednesday.

Luckily, Tony made it in time to witness the birth of their new baby boy. This was the first out of three births Tony was able to witness, after being deployed in the military for their previous children.
Taylor referred to Huxton as her "double rainbow baby."
"Then when he had come out, oh my gosh, I was just in tears. I have never been in tears before," she said.
In between their second and third child's birth, Taylor experienced both an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage. When she birthed a healthy baby on Wednesday, she was eternally grateful.

"Probably, this is the best birth I've had. So, I'm pretty amazing," Taylor said.
As 2024 ended with a successful pregnancy for the Vasco family, St. Vincent had a great year as well, delivering 1,773 babies.
"2024 was busy and full of life here at St. Vincent Regional Hospital," Pester said.
After going through the routine three times, the Vasco family believes the science to delivering a healthy and beautiful baby is to "go with the flow."
"Some dads are terrified, but just communicate for your wife, and be there for your wife," Tony said.
"Whatever's meant to be, is meant to be, and the less you worry, I feel like the easier it is just to go through it mentally," Taylor said.