Q2, Western Security Bank, City Brew Coffee, and the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools have teamed up for "One Class at a Time." The program recognizes teachers who go above and beyond to help their students.
Meet Dawn Sauter, an adult education teacher at Passages who is passionate about helping give women a second chance.
"I absolutely love what I do here," said Mrs. Sauter. "There's three different levels. We have a treatment level on the first floor, so alcohol and drugs. Second floor is kind of a holding where we're trying to figure out where's the best place for them to go. Some of them have been released from prison, from jail. First floor is what we call 'pre-release' where the ladies are going back out into the community. They're working full-time jobs, they're doing their self-help, they're doing everything that they can so that when they leave here they can be productive."
As you've heard, many come from difficult backgrounds and she is a soothing presence.
"They have barrier after barrier after barrier, so anything that we can do just to give him a leg up and a helping hand is huge."
Having previously worked at Will James Middle School, Mrs. Sauter felt the calling, a new purpose to help women trying to get their lives back on track.
"Getting your high school diploma, of course, is the first thing, you know, that gives them the confidence that they need to go apply for jobs and go to college. They can do trade school. They can do anything that they want to do when they leave here. For me to be able to give them that confidence, to feel like, 'Oh my gosh! I am smart. I can do this,' I love it."
This grant will help pay for those tests.
"They have to pay $15.50 for each test, which doesn't sound like a lot but for them it is."
No matter what hour of the day, she's always there for them and she hopes they know she always will be as they move on.
"I always give everybody my email and say if you need anything, if you need help applying for colleges or financial aid, please let me know. I want them to leave here with their head held high knowing that they can do it."
For her dedication and passion at helping her students take steps toward a better life, Mrs. Sauter was presented with a $500 grant from the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools, proudly sponsored by Western Security Bank, and a $150 gift card from City Brew Coffee. Congratulations!
If you would like your teacher to be the next recipient, make a nomination HERE.
Find more information about Passages here.