WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: A break from the rain?

AM Forecast Regional HD.png

BILLINGS — That area of low pressure that has been dumping lots of rain across the area has pushed off to the east allowing the rain to taper off this evening. We get a bit of a break from the rain Sunday as high pressure briefly takes over. Having said that, there is still a chance we could see some isolated showers and maybe even some thunderstorms as we get into the afternoon and evening as there is still a lot of moisture lingering out there.

A Pacific trough will start to influence the area on Monday meaning better chances of showers and thunderstorms return to the forecast. Expect daily showers and thunderstorms for most of nextr week.

Daytime highs will be mainly in the 70s through late next week.

Nighttime lows will be mainly in the 40s/50s through late next week.

Miller Robson
Q2 Morning Meteorologist