WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: A Mild First Full Day Of Winter; Light Snow Is Coming

Cold Front Coming Just Before Christmas

BILLINGS — Friday is the first full day of winter, but it sure won't feel like it for Montana and Wyoming, as we have a continuation of our milder-than-average weather for one more day. There will be some gusty wind and another chance of breaking a record high in the Livingston area. Elsewhere, we'll have more sun than clouds and quiet weather.

A Pacific storm will push over the Pacific Northwest today, and will move over the northern Rockies early Saturday. It will be a fast-moving system, but our weather will change rapidly. It will be much cooler and more seasonable with mountain snow along with lower elevation rain turning to snow. It will taper off Saturday.

We can expect decreasing clouds Sunday, and although the rain and snow Saturday will be light, there will be a chance for slick roads and sidewalks both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with much cooler overnight lows. Another ridge of high pressure will then build over the Rockies, delivering more above average highs next week.