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Q2 Billings Area Weather: An unsettled late August turns nice for September


BILLINGS — The week starts with our best chance of rain and ends up warm and dry. Firefighters are looking to take advantage of the showers and potentially heavy rain under thunderstorms. But there are some downsides too.

There is a widespread chance of rain through the day on Monday. Some areas could receive an inch in accumulation. There could be areas of flash flooding if rainfall is heavy over areas burned by wildfires.

Temperatures will be cooler than average, reaching the 60s and 70s for Monday afternoon. Tuesday's warm and dry with the highs mainly in the 80s.

Wednesday cools back down again with highs in the 60s and 70s and just isolated showers, but it's cool enough that some of the high elevations could see some light snow during the overnight and early morning hours.

By Thursday onward, temperatures will be around seasonal averages and dry. If the current pattern holds, it could be a very comfortable Labor Day weekend for outdoor activities.