WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: Here is a look at the last week of May 2024 forecast


BILLINGS — A windy Sunday turns into a warmer and drier start to the week. But there are more changes ahead.

Wind gusts of 35 to 45 miles an hour were recorded over a widespread area of eastern Montana and northern Wyoming Sunday afternoon. Big Timber recorded a gust of 51 mph.

Winds Ease up throughout the evening hours with a few isolated showers and thunderstorms. These storms should be fast moving It will likely not leave as much moisture as the Saturday evening storms.

Overnight temperatures will be mainly in the 40s and afternoon highs on Monday will be in the and upper 60s and 70s. Memorial Day will be sunny and dry with a lighter wind than. Sunday.

Temperatures rise quickly on Tuesday, reaching the 70s to low 80s. Wednesday will again be warmer than average with 70s to low 80s for highs. Even mid 80s in southeastern Montana.

By Wednesday afternoon and evening clouds increase bringing a good chance of showers and thunderstorms. Will be noticeably cooler on Thursday in the 50s to mid-60s with widespread showers and isolated thunderstorms.

We shift gears again as we approach the weekend. Highs will be in the mid to lower 70s on Saturday with plenty of sun, and back to the 70s to around 80 by Sunday if the current pattern holds.