WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: Labor Day weekend forecast begs you to get outdoors


BILLINGS — A building area of high pressure across the western US will translate into a warm and dry weekend. Highs will be above seasonal averages and conditions will remain dry. In other words, a beautiful outdoor weekend for Labor Day.

Friday will start off with readings in the 40s to a few low 50s, but see temperatures in the mid-80s to lower 90s. Overall, that will be about 10° warmer than the Thursday afternoon highs.

Additionally, winds will be much lighter than the past couple of days, but turn a little more northeasterly on Saturday, bringing the humidity up just a little bit. Despite this, used care were fire and sparks are concerned as wildfire conditions will remain elevated.

With highs in the 80s to low 90s each day through Sunday, Monday looks like the hottest day with most readings reaching the 90s. Late on Labor Day, we'll see an increase in monsoonal moisture from the South, bringing the potential for some high based thunderstorms for Monday evening, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Temperatures remain a little above seasonal averages Through the middle of next week, reaching mainly the 80s each afternoon and overnight temperatures in the mid to upper 50s.