WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: Late summer heat and sunshine on Saturday and Sunday

Weekend sunshine followed by cooler and wetter weather late next week

BILLINGS — A strong ridge of high pressure is currently in control of the weather of Montana and Wyoming, and it won't be giving up the ghost anytime soon. We've had pleasant weather with seasonable temperatures, light wind and less smoke, and we'll have a clear, quiet start to Saturday with lows in the 40s and 50s.

Saturday will be a sunny day with more of the smoke and haze from Idaho moving our direction. Highs will be around 10 degrees warmer than average, and a couple degrees warmer than that on Sunday with a clear, but hazy sky Saturday and much of Sunday. Late Sunday some high clouds will approach our area.

A minor trough of low pressure will start to weaken the ridge over our region on Monday, but it will stay well above average. Tuesday will be similar, but slightly cooler. A larger trough of low pressure will move over the northern Rockies the second half of next week, and we'll cool below average with better chances for rain.