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Q2 Billings Area Weather: Mild and windy Saturday; more rain and t'storms ahead

More Unsettled Weather Coming Our Way
and last updated

BILLINGS — One cold front has pushed over Montana and Wyoming and a second is moving our way Friday evening. We've already had plenty of gusty wind, rain and thunderstorms, and we'll have another chance for them this evening before our weather settles a bit. The breezy to locally windy weather will continue, however, and will be stronger in some areas Saturday.

Saturday will begin fairly clear, but we'll have increasing clouds and the wind will get stronger as one storm leaves and another approaches. The second storm will move over the region Sunday and Monday, bringing cooler air, rain, thunderstorms, and snow above 6,000 feet. Highs will be 5-10 degrees below average from Sunday through next Tuesday.

A small ridge of high pressure will briefly build over the northern Rockies Tuesday and Wednesday, but it will be quickly replaced by a third trough of low pressure the second half of next week and early into the following weekend. We'll have another round of rain, thunderstorms and gusty wind along with another cooling trend as the weekend approaches.