WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: More on the heat and smoke yet to come


BILLINGS — In what could be a record long heat wave, temperatures have yet to peak. The one thing that could hold back the temperatures, at least by a few degrees is wildfire smoke.

While readings will hit the 90s to low triple digits on Tuesday, the hottest days will be Wednesday and Thursday, when much of the area will expect 100+ degree temperatures. A cold front Thursday afternoon and evening will bring a shift in the weather pattern.

Protect yourself and others from heat related illnesses. Stay hydrated and take breaks from the heat and direct sunlight.

Smoke and haze will increase across the area from wildfires over the western US and Canada. If you are sensitive to smoke, limit time outdoors and avoid strenuous activity.

To decrease the effects of wildfire smoke, stay indoors when you can and keep the air conditioner filter clean.

There is a risk of thunderstorms Thursday evening as a cold front arrives. While those storms could put down pockets of heavy rain, gusty winds and lightning could also increase fire starts.

Temperatures will level off closer to seasonal averages in the 80s to low 90s starting Friday and linger through the weekend.