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Q2 Billings Area Weather: Rain showers and mountain snow this week


BILLINGS — The showers that developed across the region on Sunday are an indication of what is to come throughout the week. Day by day, expect cooler than average temperatures and a chance of off and on showers and higher elevation snow.

Drier conditions move in Sunday night through early Monday, with the next weather system Monday through Tuesday. Morning temperatures will be in the 30s to low 40s. Highs will be in the 50s to low 60s.

The biggest impacts will be snow into the mountains and foothills. Heavy snow is possible above 7000 feet.

Monday will start off dry, but by late morning into the afternoon as the troughed exam, a chance of showers and higher elevation snow will start to develop. By Tuesday, the chance of snow is mainly over the mountains, around the Big Horns and the Beartooths and move out of the area by Tuesday night.

Some of the higher peaks could be looking at 8 to 14 inches of snow.

Things stay active through the end of the week with the. Wednesday through Friday, getting a very good chance of rainfall and continued below seasonal temperatures. For the lower elevations, overnight temperatures will remain in the mid 30s to the mid 40s and afternoon highs mainly in the mid 50s to mid 60s.

Thursday appears to be the coolest day overall, with temperatures warming up by Saturday to the upper 60s to low 70s.

Each day has at least some chance of showers somewhere. Wednesday looks like the driest day overall. Wednesday night through Friday has the best chance of rain or mountain snow.