WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: Short sleeve afternoons until the weekend gets here


BILLINGS — Temperatures will continue to rise through the middle of the week with dry conditions. Just as quickly, the pattern will change into cooler and wetter weather just as we get to the weekend.

After a mild Monday afternoon, overnight readings will drop to the 20s to low 30s early Tuesday. Expect the pop in the readings Tuesday afternoon, with most areas in the 60s, or about 10° warmer than Monday’s highs.

Under a strong high pressure, Ridge temperatures will continue to warm on Wednesday and Thursday. Most of the lows will be in the 30s and low 40s, with afternoon readings in the upper 60s to upper 70s. We won't break records, but this is still very warm for early April

Conditions will stay dry through Thursday, with increasing clouds Friday. Friday will still be mild, with many of the highs reaching the 60s to low 70s, but the risk of showers or thunderstorms increases during the afternoon and evening.

Don't rule out an isolated thunderstorm on Friday afternoon and evening, before cooler and wetter conditions dominate the weekend. Highs will be in the 40s and 50s Saturday, Sunday and Monday, with overnight temperatures dropping from the 40s to the 30s with area rain and snow showers.

How much moisture will get over the weekend is still a bit of a question, so check back for updates.