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Q2 Billings Area Weather: Showers & thunderstorms Sunday afternoon & evening

Hazy Sunday morning, potentially stormy Sunday late afternoon / early evening

BILLINGS — We've dealt with record territory highs in Montana and Wyoming the last couple days under this ridge of high pressure, and the haze and smoke from area and regional fires has returned, too. Saturday wasn't as hot as Friday, though, and this is the beginning of a weather trend which many will like over the next week.

A disturbance will move over Montana and Wyoming through the course of the day Sunday, and we can expect a line of showers and thunderstorms to push over our area during the late afternoon and early evening. Some won't receive any rain, but you'll likely see and/or experience those PM Sunday thunderstorms.

Monday won't be quite as active, but it will be breezy, hazy and seasonably hot. More chances for scattered showers and a few embedded thunderstorms will last from next Tuesday through next Saturday. Right now, it looks like late Tuesday through late Thursday will bring most of the rain, with lingering showers late next week.