WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: Snow for some, cooler for everyone Thursday


BILLINGS — Current Snow Forecast (Thursday to Friday Morning)

  • Timing: Early Thursday morning into early Friday morning.
  • Snow Amounts:
    • Beartooth Foothills (including Red Lodge): 8 to 14 inches.
    • Mountains above Red Lodge: 12 to 16 inches.
    • Beartooth-Absaroka Range (Cooke City): 4 to 6 inches.
    • Bighorn Foothills (Sheridan area): 6 to 8 inches; near Buffalo: 8 to 12 inches.
    • Burgess Junction (Highway 14): 6 to 8 inches.
  • Intensity: Snow rates up to 1 inch per hour possible.
  • Blowing Snow: Areas of blowing snow expected, especially in the mountains and foothills. Wind gusts of 20-35 mph expected, particularly around Livingston to Big Timber, which could reduce visibility significantly.

Travel Impact:

  • Morning and evening commutes on Thursday are likely to be affected due to expected winter weather.

Saturday through Wednesday Outlook:

  • Expect wind gusts in the 40s and possible 50s mph in gap areas each day from Saturday through Monday.


  • Temperatures will run about 10°-20°F above average Saturday through Monday.
  • High temperatures will reach mainly the 50s and 60s F.
  • A possible 70° reading somewhere Monday is possible east of Billings.