WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: Sunny and smoky

and last updated

BILLINGS — The big weather story today is the surface smoke coming down from the wildfires in Canada. Air quality is very poor and will remain so for much of the area today. Limit time outdoors.

High pressure brings dry conditions back into the forecast today with slightly cooler-than-average daytime temperatures. Some residual moisture could linger so can't rule out light showers across the mountains this afternoon.

Moving forward, conditions should stay rather quiet as high pressure continues to dig in. A few weak disturbances could pass through bringing daily showers and thunderstorms but this will not be widespread and most of the area won't see any of that rain.

We're keeping an eye on Saturday as another pulse of energy aims to jet through giving us a better chance of showers and thunderstorms across weekend along with another cool down that may stick well into the middle of next week.

Daytime highs will be mainly in the 70s today, 70s/80s tomorrow through Saturday then 70s Sunday through the middle of next week.

Lows will be in the 40s/50s tonight then mainly 50s tomorrow night through the weekend.

Miller Robson
Q2 Morning Meteorologist