WeatherToday's Forecast


Q2 Billings Area Weather: Warmer next with possible thunderstorms to follow

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BILLINGS — High temperatures could drive up into the 70s to low 80s for many over the course of the next couple of days. Right behind it comes the threat of showers and thunderstorms.

In the short term, mainly dry conditions are expected as an upper ridge builds in from the west. This will push temperatures by Tuesday afternoon into the 70s to low 80s for many areas.

As the ridge access shifts to the east Tuesday, that will allow more energy to produce showers and thunderstorms into the higher elevations by Wednesday. Afternoon highs Wednesday will contrast from the 60s closer to the mountains to the low 80s closer toward the Dakotas.

By Wednesday afternoon and the evening, a threat of stronger to severe storms is possible, especially east of Billings from Forsyth and Miles City to Baker. This could mean areas of damaging winds and larger hail, along with frequent lightning and possible heavy downpours.

General thunderstorms are possible anywhere in the area by Wednesday afternoon. By Thursday, areas of wind and cooler temperatures with scattered to isolated showers and thunderstorms are expected.

After being briefly cooler on Thursday with the highs mainly in the 60s, temperatures will rebound into the 70s and even low 80s over the weekend.

With the warmer temperatures and some rain falling on mountain snow, we could see an increase in streams and creeks with additional melting in the higher elevations.