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Q2 Billings Weather: Backing off from the warm and dry weekend


BILLINGS — A Canadian cold front is expected to reach the region by Monday morning, bringing a mix of rain and snow by the afternoon. The best chances for accumulating snow are from Monday night through Tuesday midday, with expected totals of a trace to 3 inches at lower elevations and 3 to 7 inches in the southern mountains and foothills.

The next chance for snow will primarily affect areas along the Montana/Wyoming border and southward from Thursday into Friday morning. Conditions are projected to become warm, dry, and windy heading into the next weekend.

Snow will taper off on Tuesday as conditions stabilize. Morning travel on Tuesday may be particularly impacted, especially during the commute, due to accumulated snow and cooling temperatures following a milder day on Monday.

After mild temperatures in the mid-50s to mid-60s, expect highs on Monday to drop to the mid-30s to lower 50s, cooling further into the 30s on Tuesday. If the current pattern holds, it will be warm and dry again next weekend.